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Our Mission

"Fighting youth unemployment and poverty through entrepreneurial skill-building and provision of seed capital"

At PATYEE, we are dedicated to nurturing and empowering individuals to transform their dreams into reality. Our mission is to provide unwavering support to our members as they embark on their entrepreneurial journeys. Through a range of carefully curated programs and resources, we aim to facilitate the exploration and development of their innate entrepreneurial abilities.

Our Value

Making Change Possible

At PATYEE, our values form the foundation of our organization's culture and guide our actions and decisions. These values define who we are and what we stand for:

  1. Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals to take control of their destinies and shape their futures. 

  2. Innovation: We embrace innovation as a means to drive progress and change. 

  3. Community: We foster a strong sense of community within PATYEE.  

  4. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and ethics in all our interactions. 

  5. Continuous Learning: We promote a culture of lifelong learning. 

  6. Sustainability: We are committed to sustainable practices that minimize our environmental impact. 

  7. Resilience: We understand that entrepreneurship can be challenging, and setbacks are a part of the journey. 

  8. Passion: We are passionate about entrepreneurship and believe in the transformative power it holds. 

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